
Understanding Key Clauses in Japanese Real Estate: A Guide for Foreign Investors


Hello, dear readers and investors!


As a real estate agent based in Tokyo, I have the privilege of assisting numerous foreign investors

in navigating the intricacies of the Japanese property market.

Today, I’d like to share some insights on a critical aspect of real estate transactions in Japan

– the extension of settlement dates and loan cancellation dates in sales contracts.


This topic is particularly relevant for those planning to finance their property purchase through a housing loan.


In the realm of real estate transactions, it’s common for buyers to finance their purchases through housing loans. In Japan,

when a buyer opts for a housing loan, a specific clause, known as the housing loan clause (or loan cancellation clause),

is typically included in the sales contract.

This clause provides a safety net for buyers,

allowing them to cancel the contract if they fail to secure loan approval from their financial institution.

Now, let’s consider a scenario where the buyer’s financial arrangements are delayed,

leading to an agreed extension of the settlement date (the payment date) with the seller.

A question that often arises in such situations is – does the extension of the settlement date also imply an extension of the loan cancellation date?

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Investing in Prosperity: How Japan’s Experience-Based Tourism Boom Impacts Real Estate Opportunities


Investing in Prosperity: How Japan’s Experience-Based

Tourism Boom Impacts Real Estate Opportunities


Hello esteemed readers and potential investors,


In the pulsating economic landscape of Japan,

a compelling trend is unfolding that holds significant implications for us all,

particularly those of us vested in international real estate investments.


Since last autumn, Japan has experienced a substantial resurgence in inbound tourism.

However, the dynamics of this resurgence are quite different from what we’ve seen in the past.


There’s been a considerable decline in ‘explosive buying’,

a phenomenon that once characterized Japan’s tourism industry.

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Safeguard Your Investment: Understanding Bait Listings in the Japanese Real Estate Market






Do you know ‘Otori-bukken’ ?


Truth be told,


We have to admit there are a number of


shady and dishonest real estate agents in Japan.



As a foreign investor considering investment opportunities


in the Japanese real estate market,


it’s crucial to be aware of the tactics some unscrupulous agents



employ to lure potential clients.


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Investing in Japan’s Ageing Condominiums: Opportunities and Insights for Foreign Investors Amid Legal Changes


Investing in Japan’s Ageing Condominiums:


Opportunities and Insights for


Foreign Investors Amid Legal Changes



Are you a foreign investor interested


in Japan’s real estate market?




As a leading real estate agent for foreign investors, we’re here to provide you with the latest updates


and insights into the industry.


Today, we’re discussing the Japanese government’s proposed amendments


to the Condominium Ownership Act and what it could mean for you as a potential investor.



The Japanese government is considering amending the Condominium Ownership Act by the fiscal year 2024,

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Redefining Investment Strategies: Why Japan’s Real Estate Market is the Next Big Opportunity for Chinese Investors


Are you an investor exploring alternative

real estate investment opportunities in Asia?



The recent changes in Singapore’s property tax regulations may prompt you to look elsewhere


for promising investments.


As a Japanese real estate agent specializing in assisting foreign investors,


I’m here to help you navigate this changing landscape and


discover the potential of Japan’s real estate market.


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Digital Nomads and Investment Opportunities in Japan: A New Era Unfolds


Have you ever considered becoming

a digital nomad in Japan?



As the safest country in the world, Japan offers a diverse range


of entertainment options,


an unrivalled food scene and a unique blend of tradition and innovation.


With relatively affordable rent and a world-class healthcare system,


Japan is an increasingly attractive destination for digital nomads looking to


immerse themselves in a new culture and way of life.


Moreover, the Japanese government is actively encouraging



digital nomads and foreign investors

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Rising Used Condominium Prices in Tokyo and Major Japanese Metropolitan Areas: A Closer Look at the Trends


Rising Used Condominium Prices in Tokyo and Major Japanese Metropolitan Areas

Tokyo Kantei Press Released on March 23, 2023


Major Cities in the Three Major Metropolitan Areas: Monthly Trends in Used Condominium Prices (70 sqm)

In February, used condominium prices in the Tokyo metropolitan area increased

by 0.4% compared to the previous month, reaching 48.66 million yen,

marking the third consecutive month of increase.

In central Tokyo, prices once again surpassed the 100 million yen mark.

The average prices in the Kinki and Chubu regions also continued to rise modestly,

with no significant downward movement seen in the market.

In February 2023, used condominium prices in the Tokyo metropolitan area

rose for the third consecutive month, with a slight increase of 0.4% compared to the previous month,

reaching 48.66 million yen.


When looking at the data by prefecture, Tokyo saw an increase of 0.7% to 64.41 million yen,

surpassing the record high set in December of the previous year.


In Kanagawa Prefecture (+0.4%, 36.68 million yen), prices continued to rise compared

to the previous month, while in Chiba Prefecture (+1.7%, 28.29 million yen),

prices have been on an upward trend since April of the previous year.


On the other hand, prices in Saitama Prefecture decreased slightly by 0.4% to 30.49 million yen,

marking the first decline in six months.


The average price in the Kinki region increased for the first time in two months,

with a slight increase of 0.2% to 29.14 million yen, due to the strength of the Osaka area.

In Osaka Prefecture, the price showed a similar movement with a 0.2% increase to 31.28 million yen,

but it did not surpass the level reached in December of the previous year.

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Where is the most expensive location in Tokyo ?:Latest PER report by Tokyo kantei

Where is the most expensive location in Tokyo ?

Ginza in Chuo-ku.

You are right. In terms of face value, Ginza is the most expensive location in Japan and those expensive

locations are commercial areas.

What about the condos relative to the ratio of rent ?

With the rise in land prices, real estate has become difficult to buy year after year.

Where is the area which is relatively cheaper than other areas in terms of the payback period using

the rent you have to pay ?

Real estate research firm Tokyo Kantei announces “Condominium PER” every year for new condos

as one of the judgment criteria.

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